Animals Market Personal

We’re still here, with meat galore.

I realize that I never update this thing! We’re pretty Facebook-oriented right now, so that’s where you’ll find the most recent content. I apologize for disappearing, the Lyme disease and subsequent health issues really took their toll these past 2 years. We downsized to keep everything manageable, and that was really the best decision. But […]

Animals Lambing

Lambs Spring 2017


Personal Plants

One Vibrant, Overwhelming Season

Each year, spring overwhelms us again. I have a feeling that it’s the same with most homesteaders. We purge the clutter from our closets and our yards and our fields; rearrange the livestock quarters and realize that, once again, we’ve failed to prep enough garden beds for the coming season. In February and March, we […]


Spring in Full Swing

There are all kinds of babies running around the farm, and there will soon be more. We’ve got chicks, piglets, lambs, and bunnies! The piglets have been doing a fine job of tilling the garden. When we first brought them in the whole thing was covered in grass. Now it looks like someone took a […]


Making Compost

Here on the farm, we use the deep litter method with as many animals as possible. It makes for less work in the short run, but more work in the long run, especially with small buildings that are not mobile and do not allow for tractor access. Deep litter bedding means that as the animals pee […]